CoughDrop optionally tracks all button presses when usera area in Speak Mode. This data is backed up to the cloud so that the communicator and any linked supervisors can review the logs remotely from their own devices. This makes it possible for support staff to see progress without taking the communicator's device away. CoughDrop also generates a number of reports based on usage data to make it easier to process.
CoughDrop Reporting Video Tutorial
To access the reports for a user, visit their profile page. You can access your own profile page by hitting the profile icon in the top right corner and selecting "My Account".
On a user's profile page, select the "Report" section to view the user's reports. Communicators can see their own reports, and all supervisors can see reports for users that they supervise. Remember, reports will only appear if the user has enabled reporting, and performs a sync while connected to the Internet at least once in a while (once a week is recommended).
Usage Counts
Reports can be filtered by date range, which makes it easier to check for progress by comparing different date ranges. The top set of reported numbers are usage counts, meant to give a general idea of how much the app is being used and also the rate of usage.
Word Usage
CoughDrop also shows word usage, both in a chart and a list of the most common words. The chart shows both total words and unique words, to give a better idea if the user is pressing a wide range of buttons or a small set of buttons repeatedly.
Word Cloud
From the Word Usage section, you can open a word cloud and see visually which words are being used most often based on their size. This word cloud can be saved as an image to the local computer. You can also use the zoom and reload buttons to change the size of the image and to re-draw it as needed.
Part of Speech
The Parts of Speech section shows different word types and what percentage of buttons map to different word types, shown in a pie chart. It also shows a sequencing chart meant to show how words are chained together by the communicator.
Time of Day
CoughDrop also shows how frequently buttons are pressed at different times of day. Any of the boxes can be hovered over on a desktop computer to see the number of events, but this information is also reflected in the color of the boxes. The darker the color, the more events in that time block relative to the rest of the time blocks.
Weighted Words
The Weighted Words section shows a list of all words used by the communicator in the date range, with more-frequently-used words showing up larger and darker.
CoughDrop can optionally track usage by geolocation using the GPS available on the communicator's devices. This is an additional login level that must be turned on in addition to standard logging. When it is turned on, you can see how many sessions were recorded for a given location, and what the time frame was for the sessions. CoughDrop can also filter all other reports based on their location in addition to date range, to be able to better compare usage across different locations like home vs. school.
Activation Heat Map
CoughDrop also tracks where on the screen users are pressing, to generate an Activation Heat Map. This heat map shows where the user is pressing buttons, and where it's happening most frequently. This can be useful for making sure there isn't a "dead zone" somewhere on the device, such as a location the user can't access because of visual or motor constraints. It can also help indicate if the user is gravitating to a specific area on the device instead of using all the available buttons.
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