When you find a board that you'd like to be the starting point for your vocabulary set, hit "Set as Home" to make it your home board. Then it will be available from the home screen and can be synced for offline use.
Choose a vocabulary set video tutorial
On your dashboard, you can see different lists of available boards under the "boards" heading. Use these lists to discover popular boards or suggested starter boards.
You can also use the Learn & Setup tool at any time to help you set basic functions or find an appropriate vocabulary set for your account.
To reach the Learn & Setup tool hit "actions" from the menu in the blue bar then open the "extras" menu. Hit "lear & setup" to enter the tool and watch for the option to select a vocabulary and choose a home board for your account.
Some Vocabulary Options in CoughDrop
CoughDrop has several pre-composed vocabulary options available for use within the program. These vocabularies vary in size and function, but are intended to give communication options that will fit a varite of communicator needs.
CoughDrop offers several Quick Core Vocabulary board sets in a variety of sizes. These boards are based on core vocabulary and offer core words connected to secondary speech boards for additional options.
We also offer a less robust core vocabulary option with larger buttons and fewer options. This Core 12 board can be found for use in the program as well.
Vocal Flair is a large vocabulary set with a main page that is primarily flat-but-dynamic core, and links to additional categorized support words. The Vocal Flair board comes in a number of sizes with varying numbers of buttons per page (Vocal Flair 24 - Vocal Flair 112)
Vocal Flair 24
Sequoia-15 -- a branching vocabulary set, built in an effort to support communication organized by pragmatic function but with the goal of encouraging expansion into a generalized and core-oriented vocabulary.
CommuniKate : CommuniKate is a socially focused page set designed exclusively for people who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).
Core 28 + Categories is a board set based on different web examples. It uses a core vocabulary organized into categorized folders, as well as some optional folders on the right edge that could easily be repurposed.
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